Progressive Jackpots Slots

So let’s take a look at progressive jackpots, how they work, where you can find them and most importantly, are they worth playing? As we all know, a jackpot is the big prize of the slot. It can hit tens of thousands or even a few million pounds, depending on the game. In regular slots, jackpots ranging anywhere near the millions are rare, simply because the slot maker has to allocate the prizes on the assumption that more money will be lost to the game than the total jackpot. Because of this, a regular jackpot will never compare to the mega wins seen on progressive games.

Progressive jackpot games allow for bigger jackpots because the prize grows continuously as the slot is played. A percentage of every coin spent adds to the progressive jackpot for a lucky winner to pick up later. Instead of guessing the chances of a player winning the jackpot, the jackpot simply grows with the number of people playing. This allows them to get much bigger, up to the tens of million, simply because the jackpot keeps growing until it’s won. Online casinos have made this possible because of their huge popularity and thousands of players. Progressive jackpots are the biggest because every player contributes directly to the pot!

Progressive Jackpots Slots

If you have a choice to play any of the three think of the type of jackpot you’ll be offered. With a standalone progressive slot the jackpot is going to be less. With a local progressive it’ll be slightly higher and with a networked progressive it’s going to be astronomical.

Types of progressive jackpots: